July 16th-18th: Cats and Dogs in Space Art Camp (9:45-11:45)
A creative 3-day Art Camp taught by Elementary Art Teacher, Ms. Shelley, at the kid friendly Knoxville Art Studio inside Smart Toys & Books!
Each summer my art students request space themed Art camps as they are always so much fun! This year I have had special requests to paint and design cats and dogs enjoying life in outer space, on rocket ships, and colorful planets. Mission accomplished! Artists will create several impressive works of art on canvas, with clay, and mixed media art materials in this fun camp! All Art supplies are included, dress to be creative.
This Camp meets on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and is a drop off Event for Elementary age kids, please sign your child in with Ms. Shelley at the Studio upon arrival.
*If adding a sibling, change the quantity as seats are limited (2 kids=2 quantity)